
The Big Sandy Mission Territory's history began in the west at Jellico in the mid 1880's. It continued eastward to Beattyville in Lee County with ten counties assigned to it in 1902. In 1910 the industrialization of the Kentucky Mountains spread farther east. Floyd County was a part of that industrialization. It became known as the Big Sandy Mission Field. It included the counties of Lawrence, Johnson, Magoffin, Floyd, Martin, Morgan and Pike County.

The center for the missionary work of the Church was the new town of Van Lear about 5 miles south of the present day Paintsville. In 1910 the Consolidation Coal Company opened mines there and built the town of Van Lear. The Catholic Church of Holy Family Ashland sent the first priests to care for the parish at Van Lear. In 1911 the first resident pastor was Fr. Sokol at the Church of St. Casmir. Bishop Maes had the first Confirmation Class at St. Casmir in 1913. The priest that followed were: Fr. Joseph Benuatto from 1918-1926, Fr. George Metzler from 1926-1938, Fr. Charles Donovan from 1939-1942. Fr. Donovan move the center from St. Casmir to a new church and center he built in Paintsville, the county seat, naming it St. Michael. Bishop Howard dedicated the center June 29, 1941. The priest that followed were: Fr. Joseph Wimmers from 1942-1957.

During his pastorate the first Catholic School was established in the Big Sandy Area. Our Lady of the Mountains Academy began in 1945 and is very active today. Fr. Robert Witt assisted Fr. Wimmers in June 1950. During Fr. Wimmer's tenure the first street preaching efforts were made in this area. he also had the sic county area divided and a new parish was established at St. Julianna Church in Martin, in Floyd, County. Fr. George Nerbonne was an assistant pastor to Fr. Riley from 1946-1953. Fr. John Riley was pastor from 1957-1963. Fr. John McGuire was an assistant pastor to Fr. Riley from 1960-1961. Fr. Joseph Dunn was the next pastor at St. Michael's from 1963-1968. Fr. Poole was an associate from 1965-1968. Fr. David Shockey was the next pastor at St. Michael's and built the new church at St. Michael's and the new mission church at Hode, in Martin County, serving from 1968-1981.

Fr. Frank Osburg was assigned to St. Michael's in July 1981 and obtained the property for St. Jude Parish in Louisa in Lawrence County. During Fr. Osburg's tenure 1981-1992 Our Lady of the Mountain's School which has been a part of the Catholic Church in Johnson County since 1945, became part of St. Michael's Parish. It started out as a Diocesan School run by the Sister's of Divine Providence. It has maintained its important role in the education field as well as being a part of St. Michael's Parish. Fr. Osburg served as pastor for 11 years, after which Fr. Beiting was appointed pastor. As pastor, Fr. Beiting made many renovations to both the school and parish. Fr. Dane, having been a Pastoral Minister in his final year of seminary at St. Michael's was appointed Associate to Fr. Beiting after Ordination. After the first year Fr. Dane was appointed pastor and Fr. Beiting became pastor of the missions associated with St. Michael's; St. Jude of Louisa and St. John Newman of Hode. After one year, Fr. Fedders was appointed pastor and remained for five years. Fr. Fedders played a significant role in stabilizing the school and reducing the debt. During this time the parish has remained stable and grew strong in its development as a vital member of the Body of Christ.

In 1997 Fr. Terence Hoppenjans was appointed pastor. During Fr Hop’s time, a new parish hall was built, Our Lady of Mountains School grew and evolved to include addition of young child Learning Center. Sr Nancy Edwards was also assigned to St Michael in 1997 and worked in many ministries including school, Mountain Outlet Clothing Store, and many other ministries. In 2008. Paul David Brown was ordained a permanent deacon and is assigned to his home parish, St Michael. Deacon Paul David, and his wife Cathy, work with many ministries including home bound, facilities, marriage prep, parish and finance councils and others. Fr Hop remained at St Michael Catholic Church until 2021 when Fr Hop retired and Fr Michael Flanagan was named pastor.